Feb Religious Gathering/Sadaka Dear Community member,
Alqalam Islamic Center on behalf of the Douerrachad Hassan's family informs all the members of the community that a religious gathering "Sadaka", is going to take place on Saturday Feb 4th, 2012 at 5.00 PM, followed by words of wisdom by our guest speaker Brother Younes Kabli at our Al Qalam Center.
You are all graciously invited to join us, wa jazakum Allah khaira Eljazaa. Religious Gathering/Sadaka
Religious Gathering/Sadaka Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Alqalam Islamic Center on behalf of the Sekkak and EL Mostarchid families is inviting you to a religious gathering "Sadaka", May Allah enhance their recompense and be generous in their calamity and forgive the deceased “their Mother Fatma Hilali”and induce our brothers and their families with patience and multiply for us and for them recompense through patience. The Religious gathering is going to take place Insha'Allah this Saturday Feb 18th, 2012 at 5.30 PM, followed by words of wisdom by our guest speaker Imam Hamid Slimi. You are all graciously invited to join us, ------------------------------- ********************************************* Fundraising Event at Abu Bakr Siddique Mosque -Toronto
Dear Borthers and Sisters,
Friday, Feb 10th 2012 our Center by the Grace of Allah and the help of our volunteers and our community was able to collect about $4030 of charitable donation to support the purchase of the Alqalam Center. May Allah soubhaneh grant the best reward to everyone helped us with this event and Jaza Allah khaira eljaza our brothers from Abu Bakr Siddique Masjid for their continuous support. Alhamdoullilah our 8 volunteers did an exceptional work baraka Allah Fihum and accepts from them their good deeds. Ameen
Fundraising Event at Salaheddin Mosque -Toronto
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Friday, Feb 17th 2012 our Islamic Center by the Grace of Allah, the help of our volunteers and our community was able to collect about $4550 of charitable donation to support the purchase of our Center. May Allah soubhaneh grant the best reward to everyone helped us with this event and Jaza Allah khaira eljaza our brothers from Salaheddin Masjid for their continuous support. Alhamdoullilah our 12 volunteers did an exceptional work baraka Allah Fihum and accepts from them their good deeds. Ameen ******************************************* Feb 25th 2012 New brochure of the purchase project is coming soon *****Update The new Brochure is now available as of March 15th 2012 and will be placed in distribution during the week ****************************************** An advertisement in the Ambition newspaper has been placed for distribution in the month of March 2012 ***************************************** Collection Event at Abu Hurayra Mosque -Toronto
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Friday, April 13th 2012 our Islamic Center by the Grace of Allah, is organizing at Abu Hurayra Mosque a collection event to support the purchase of our Center. May Allah soubhaneh Make it a successfull event and Jaza Allah khaira eljaza our brothers from Abu Hurayra Masjid for their continuous support.
Fundraising Events:
-Fund raising dinner at ISNA June 2012 presented by Sheikh Abdellah Idriss and Sheikh Alaa Sayed. During this event we have raised elhamdolillah about $100,000.
- We were able to collect couple of thousands dollars from other different mosques including Darulsalam, QSS, Courtice Masjid,
During 2013 we bid on a Church deal closed by our current location but Elhamdolillah the deal did not go through. We strived to raise more funds and we were able to come close to $400,000
In June 25th, 2014 We are currently 1 day close to a Final agreement about buying a property in Dufferin St. We ask Allah soubhaneh to help us with this deal if it is in the benefit of our community. To make all our actions only for his sake. Ameen
June 26th 2014
Al Qalam Islamic Community Center has some great and exciting news to share with you today. Our Masjid made an offer on a building on Dufferin St. And Alhamdolilah the offer was accepted at a final purchase price of $715,000. The deal is now conditional on a satisfactory outcome of the technical building inspection and the approval by the lawyers of both parties of the general terms of the agreement. The closing date will be October 1st incha'Allah. More information will be shared with you about the new property, which is located about 3 minutes driving distance from our current location, and other specifics as soon as next days or the conditions of the pre-sale agreement are lifted.
We thought, as we are entering the month of Ramadan, there is no better news than to share this information with you and to ask for your prayers to help us achieve this noble endeavor.Another information we would like to share with you is the current financial position of the Masjid and how we plan to bridge the gap to close this deal incha'Allah by October 1st, 2014. Here is a summary of where we are financially:
Buying the new Location in Numbers: - Purchase price of building on Dufferin st.: $715,000 - Closing Cost: $25,000 - Renovation Cost:$30,000 Total Purchase Price: $770,000 Total Funds Raised to date (all your donations) $420,000 Additional Funds Needed before October 1, 2014 $350,000 **************************************** July 08th 2014,
We are currently working on Ramadan Iftar Fundraising at our Masjid. Our Guest Speaker is Sheikh Alaa Elsayed, the event will take place on Sunday July 20th 2014. ------------- Great Success Elhamdollilah, about $83k pledged and $50k collected so far... *****************************************
After a successful Collection Event at Abu Bakr Masjid from last Thursday July 03rd, we are looking forward to do other collection events confirmed during Ramadan July 2014 at Masjid el Noor, Darelkhair, Masjid Hamza, And During August 2014 Jumuaa collection Event at Darulimane Aug 01st, Sakinah and QSSC Aug 08th, Darulsalam Aug 10th, Bloor and Duffrein Masjid Aug 15th, Sayeda Khadija Center confirmed on August 22nd and Toronto Mosque on August 29th 2014 Insha'Allah.
****************************************** The new location of the Center is opening insha'Allah on Friday April 03rd 2015. The open house celebration will take place on April 18th 2015