_Registered charity: Since January 1st 2009, Alhamdulillah the Center has earned the right to acquire from the Canadian Government the status of a charitable organization. Our charity is listed in the Canada Revenue agency website: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/charities/
History: Alqalam is a unique Islamic Center located in a central area where there is no other Islamic charity close by. It has been renting the current premises for almost 7 years. The Center keeps up in renovating and maintaining the premises; the place is equipped with AC, heating, class chairs, tables, boards, books, other equipment and tools to facilitate students’ interactive learning, security cameras, kitchen, washrooms, wudou area, emergency exits and a carpet. In Oct 2014 the Islamic Center purchased alhamdolillah its permanent building located at 2430 Dufferin street, after its renovation the new local starts it services on april 03rd 2015.
Board: All the Staff of Alqalam volunteer to manage the center, keep it safe and sound, the current focus therefore no salaries have been ever paid since the launch of the Center. We ask Allah Soubhaneh to make all our actions only for his sake, to give all of us knowledge and wisdom insha’Allah and to guide all of us to the right path. Amin
Our board Members information is available under "our Finance" in the Financial Reporting listed with CRA.